Revenue sharing principle
Sign up
Referral system
The concepts of Al, stamp, Al exchange gauge and information on Al exchange and cash withdrawal
Member revenue
How to use
- Search
* Search for your questions. After entering keywords in the search box, press Move (Enter key in case of PC) or press the magnifying glass icon. If you have any related questions or answers click to browse.
- Viewing answers
* Posted answers will be shown partially on the screen first. You can view the entire answer after viewing the ad displayed by touching Open. For ads with links, a link button is displayed under the ad, so if you wish, you can touch the button to go to the advertiser's page. Ads disappear if you touch anywhere other than the link button.
* In the case of viewing an answer without an ad, 1,000 Al will be deducted, and an answer with an ad, you can view it for free without deduction of Al.
※ There are questioner's choice answers and Angels' choice answers that have been highly evaluated by users who viewed the answers. When you view an answer, it is highly likely that you will get a relatively satisfactory answer by viewing those answers first.
- Answer evaluation
* After viewing an answer please select one of the five evaluation icons and rate the quality of the answer in consideration of other users. If you view a fun answer, you can select Fun additionally except for the evaluation among the five. The evaluator is given 30 Al.
* Points are set for each evaluation icon. 7 points for Altong, 3 points for Good, 1 point for So so, -1 point for Bad, -3 points for Upset. (Currently Fun is 0, but some points may be given later.)
* Member evaluation score can be reflected as one of the ascension requirements. The more sincerely you answer, the higher your score will be, so please answer sincerely.
* Please actively participate in evaluation. Participation in evaluation is reflected in Evaluation Participation Index. If your index is low you can be adversely affected by it when using various services in the future.
* Please evaluate as carefully and objectively as possible. Ratings far from those of many other users may affect your reliability, which may adversely affect the smooth use of various services in the future.
- Posting questions
* If the search results for the desired question or answer are not found or you are not satisfied, you can press 'Post a question' or the pen icon and post one.
* The questioner should select the most satisfactory answer from among answers and give the author of the answer some Al called Gratitude Al as a token of gratitude. For this, please select Gratitude Al to be paid. You can choose one of 100/300/500/1,000/5,000/10,000 Al for Gratitute Al to be paid. (The more Gratitude Al you offer, the more likely you are to get quick and satisfactory answers.)
* If you do not want to disclose your nickname, you can post as Hidden, but in this case only 10 Al, which is 10% of the question revenue, will be paid when revenue is generated.
※ Please note that your question cannot be modified or deleted after an answer is registered.
- Selecting answers
* Please choose the most satisfactory answer so that Gratitude Al will be given out. If no answer to the question is selected even after 10 days have elapsed since the question posting, the questioner will not be able to get question revenue(revenue from the answer to his or her question being viewed; revenue No. 1 above) from that point until an answer is selected. Only after an answer is adopted can you earn revenue again if any. (This system is intended to compensate for answerers' efforts and at the same time to prevent unsportsmanlike behavior by questioners who only get the answers they want and do not give out rewards.)
- Posting answers
* Since the placement order of posted answers is determined by summing the member evaluation points, the number of letters and received Warming Al, sincere answers are essential in order to put your answers to the top.
* If you do not want to disclose your nickname, you can post as Hidden, but in this case only 50 Al, which is 10% of the answer revenue, will be paid when revenue is generated.
* If posted answers get good evaluations from users you can expect more answer revenue, and if it is adopted by the questioner, you can enjoy the bonus of receiving Gratitude Al. Therefore, when you post an answer accuracy is basic and it is recommended to write it in detail with as much elaboration as possible.
※ Please note that posted answers cannot be modified or deleted after they have been selected.
Ascension system
Membership withdrawal
Forced membership withdrawal
Member's obligations
Useful functions
* Alpay is a simple payment service that uses Al accumulated in Altong as cash at Almaengis (the nickname of Altong's affiliated stores).
* For Al exchange the fee is paid after deducting 2.5%. (Cash withdrawal is available after exchange to Alpay. When applying for withdrawal, the amount obtained after deducting 3.3% of the income tax and residence tax, and withdrawal fee 0.2%, a total of 3.5% will be the amount received.)
* When paying with Alpay, the merchant's payment fee does not occur.
Do you want to change the ad exposure prevention settings?
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